Your ultimate changing bag check-list

Your ultimate changing bag check-list

Standing there looking at your newborn and wondering how the heck to make sure you have everything you need with you when you feel ready to muster up the courage to leave the house for the first time?

We get it – it’s overwhelming. Babies just seem to need so much stuff

Which is why ultimately, your changing bag is going to be like your home away from home – especially for the first year or so. It is going to be where you basically carry your life and then some around, and so making sure you have packed it correctly, and gotten everything you need in is vital.

Plenty of pockets is a must, as this make it far easier to keep organised and on top of things. And also, to be ready to go at a moment’s notice, make sure your changing bag includes the following:

1. A changing mat

Luckily, your Bow & Rattle bag comes complete with a wipeable one that fits perfectly into your bag.

2. Nappies (or diapers if you will)

A good rule of thumb is to pack two for every hour you plan to be out of the house.

3. Baby wipes

A must for anything for nappy changing to sticky fingers.

4. Nappy bags

To make it less messy to dispose of used nappies

5. Nappy rash cream

For sore little bums that need changing on the go

6. Burp cloth

To protect your clothes (and wipe up spillages), and also to give your some privacy if you want it when breastfeeding

7. Travel-sized bottle of sanitizer

To clean hands and high chair, changing stations etc.

8. Change of clothes

Again, look at how long you are planning to be out of the house for, and pack accordingly

9. Sun screen

For you and baby

10. Hat

For both cold weather and also if it is very sunny and warm

11. Baby blanket

For naps and cuddles on the go

12. Clean bottle and formula

If you are bottle feeding

13. Baby book or little toy

For entertainment

14. Soother

If your baby takes one!

15. Your phone

To snap a million pictures of the two of you out on little adventures