Introduce date night
This was something Alan and I always did every Wednesday evening pre-baby but it went on hold when our little Nathaniel was born. It's something that we have picked up again and find it so important. It doesn't have to be a religious day or evening that you do something but it's important that you ensure to put yourselves first at least once every 2-3 weeks and do something together. Whether it's going for dinner, catching a movie or even just for a walk on the beach or a hike, it's about having time to remember what it was like before the chaos came along and reminding yourselves why you fell in love in the first place.
Do chores together
It doesn’t sound very sexy, but this activity alone can be surprisingly bonding. Doing housework together can make the chores go quicker, enhance communication with your partner and offer a sense of joint support.
Be kind to each other
According to researcher and author John Gottman, PhD, the differences between smooth-sailing parents and those that are on rocky waters is their ability to express the three A’s—affection, appreciation, and admiration. Offering kind, feel-good behaviour, gestures and words of affirmation to your partner, will encourage them to do the same in return and can prompt gratifying payback. Make time every day to express gratitude and do little favours for each other that are intentional and infused with love and kindness and watch what happens next!